MPOC collaborated with MMA Sarawak Branch to hold a palm oil health awareness evening forum and dinner at Sibu, Sarawak. The main objective was to disseminate up-to-date information on the nutritional attributes of palm oil to Malaysian health professionals, our efforts to widen their perspective of this important commodity of our country.
The event was attended by medical and health professionals including doctors, pharmacists, dietitians as they are the one that will provide health advices and recommendations to general public. In addition, there were also students and academia from the University of Technology Sarawak attending the event. The event aimed to disseminate to the audience the latest updates of palm oil nutrition that are supported by scientific research.
The event focused on the effects of palm oil consumption towards one’s health and palm oil phytonutrients, especially in carotenoids and palm vitamin E tocotrienols. Details of the talks are as follow:
Date: 20th August 2022
Day: Saturday
Venue: RH Hotel Sibu

Paper 1: Intake of Palm Olein and Lipid Status in Healthy Adults by Dr. Voon Phooi Tee, Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)

Paper 2: The Health Potential of Palm Carotenoids by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhaizan Mohd Esa, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Forum Discussion and Q&A session
Exhibitions were set up to showcase palm-oil based products in addition to the seminar. Palm-based food products such as peanut butter, margarine, high fibre crackers, cereals, infant formulas, and palm-based non-food products such as soap, hand lotion, laundry detergents, cosmetics, personal care products and others were displayed at the MPOC booth. Besides MPOC, Sarawak Oil Palm Nutraceuticals Berhad also participated in the exhibition to promote their products which includes the red palm oil and palm olein.

MPOC Booth

SOP Nutraceuticals Sdn Bhd Booth
The event was attended by 60 participants and based on the feedback received, the programme was well organised and covered a vast topic of palm oil and provided them some new insights of palm oil nutrition and the potential benefits of palm phytonutrients. The attendees are now aware that palm oil is everywhere in their daily life products not only in food, but also in non-food products.