July 23, 2020
Red palm oil (RPO) is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E tocopherol & tocotrienols and pro-vitamin A carotenoids. It contains 15 times more retinol equivalents than carrots and 30 times more than tomatoes and is recommended for salad dressing & stir frying. You may use RPO as a natural colouring for other food such as mayonnaise, muffins, curry, sambal, ice-cream and many more. Carotenes in RPO give a natural deep orange-red colour to the dressing. 1 tablespoon of RPO (10g) will provide Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin A for an adult (600-900 microgram RE).
Prepared by: Areej Taufik , Nursabrina and Sarafhana